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America has always been fascinated with the automobile. Not only does it bring us from point A to point B, the car becomes an image of who we are or even try to be. Take for instance, a person cruise down Beverley Hills with a environmentally eco friendly Toyota Pruis. The first impression a person might get is that a person either might be stingy with their money to try and save as much money as possible or they are just very concerned with global warming. Now take a person driving a Dodge Cabriolet which is probably 3-5 times the price of a hybrid vehicle and one can look at its sleek design, its fast 600 horse power V-10 engine, and the prestige/image it brings to a person. Of course although with all the positives with the aesthetics and power of the car, the practicality of the car and its effects on the earth is indeed dangerous. In a 2009 online article from, the site listed the 10 worst cars on the planet ranking the Dodge Cabriolet as the number one worst car from that list. The reason is due to its fuel consumption of averaging a messily 13.4 miles per gallon and a CO2 emission of 488 g/km. This doesn’t seem as bad as a person may think until a comparison is taken place. The Prius although listed at the buttom 10 in best cars for the planet saves almost 5 times more gas averaging 57 mpg and carbon emission of 104 g/km.
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Another dangerous design that most people look to as being solely positive is its speed and unless you are Jason Bourne running from the bad guys, that much speed is useless in real life and reckless at that. As a person increases speed or increase a car’s mph when driving the percentage of a fatality increases dramatically.
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